Track: 'Love Me'
Artist: The 1975
Record co: Dirty Hit
Director: Diane Martel
Release Date: 28/10/15
Length of video: 3:47
Number of shots in entire video: 248
Average length of shot: 1-2 secs
Within the 30 second segment there are:
Number of CU: 1
Number of ECU:0
Number of LS:6
Number of MS:14
Number of panning shots:4
Number of tilts:3
Other shots: Many tracking
Example of editing speed

The pace of editing corresponds well with the audio as the frequent cutting in the opening 30 seconds reveals 4 different sets to provide narrative and performance footage.
The straight cuts between frontman, whole band, female dancer and celebrity cut out set allow the caotic narrative to be established from the offset.

The use of a crane presenting varied angles of each set in each sequence is effective as narrative and lip synching performance fuses into everchanging interesting compositions.
The same set is seen in this shot with new crane positioning. The asethetics of the video are enhanced in the varying shot types whilst successfully representing the genre visually.
I have learnt through this analysis typical conventions of music videos from the pop and alternative genre.
In terms of shot types adn length this varies throughout the enrtire video with multiple uses of tracking to give movement to longer shots and those of the band.
Utilising fast shots and editing to the beat elevates the pop vibe and provides interest to the narrative paired with the shot type variation.
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