I am focsuing my attention to past students work to evaluate their varied approaches to their research,planning etc. to explore the impact this has on their final product and overall journey to produce their music videos.
I have chosen the candidate below as I have seen their video previously and have a good understanding of the concept and process undergone to complete this project.
To explore this blog I will be producing notes on each segment of the blog and their edits to ensure I can grasp the quality and evoloution of the project.
Candidate : Daniel Bates
Blog : http://batesa2gsa.blogspot.co.uk
Music Video :
In terms of research Dan has explored relevant music videos from the genre he wished to utilise for his own video. There is evidence of shot analysis aiding his sorces of inspiration for his final product ensuring the video uses conventions of music videos well. A strength of his planning is the focus on his chosen genre, though he has explored mostly rock music videos the candidate does look into other narrative types to compare the shots from multiple videos ensuring he has a good grasp on music video formats and narratives. The candidate also includes research into the industry and a wider effect of music videos to give a solid understanding of his project.
Though Dan does have sufficent research into music videos and the different shot types and edits involved he lacks details into the production process. Most of his analysis focuses on visuals and does not feature the prefered production approach of the director giving little insight into the typical genre conventions compromising on initial high level research. These weaknesses do restrict the candidates breadth of research and hinder his exploration of production.
The planning aspects of this blog illustrate the strength of ideas the candidate had and their organised approach to their narrative and filming sessions. Clear plans for props and costume relating to the genre are seen in the planning helping to establish the initial ideas of narrative. A key strength of the planning is the shot by shot storyboard illustrating the key shots and narrative the candidate wished to include in their final piece. This storyboard would allow for easier filming sessions and edits as a precise narrative and visual plan was produced prior to the first stages of production.
A weak area of the planning in this work is the overall lack of details and development on ideas. In terms of basic planning all content is suitable however, when producing the final product I would find the blog of little use. In terms of visuals the blog sets up a clear plan but annotations are limited suggesting more developments could be made to explore the ideas and production plans.
Music Video
The final video has various strengths including the conventions utilised throughout, an example being the intercuts of the band playing the song with the lip syncing of a satisfactory execution. I appreciate the shots of props which are the cornerstone of the narrative allowing parallel character development.
However, the piece does face some weaknesses including a lack of convincing characterisation and mise-en-scene. The locations of a living room and field do not lend well to the overall piece and compromise the quality. The editing is good but could be improved to give the shots a faster, typical music video pace.
A strength of this product is the main colours which reflect the artist well and their music genre. I would prefer more images on the digipack which indicate who the artist is especially due to the product being for a debut album and not an well established artist. This weakness is balanced with the clear title of the artist on the digipak and key conventions of the digipak.
Another evident strength is the multiple audience testing which clearly aided development of the digipak suggesting the candidate was efficently developing their product to a suitable standard and audience preferences.

When comparing the final magazine advert to the candidates research it is evident they have attempted to introduce typical conventions to their own product including artwork and reviews from music publications
Contrasting with these strengths the advert does not grab my attention and would become lost in a magazine if I were to see this. As this is a personal opinion it is not clear if others would feel the same however the advert does clearly state the artist and their recent singles which effectivley communicates to fans. I believe the advert does match the genre of band well but I would like to see more diversity between the magazine advert and the digipak.
The evaluation of this candidate's work takes on many forms that display both strengths and weaknesses,like the rest of the blog there is a cleae lack of detail but the evaluation does focus on each aspect of the process effectively to ensure the candidate understands which areas of their products would fit into the exisiting industry and market.

The different uses of formats makes the evaluation an interesting read but the content of latter questions could be explored in much more depth. I plan to use many formats to provide key details but would like to ensure my response to the project and audience feedback is communicated more effectivley.
Seeing the questions being answered in different ways is beneficial as I now have some knowledge of the best approach to the evaluation and content I must produce for this.
From exploring this past candidates work I have foud the process to create the final video must be documented clearly with details for each aspect of production ,planning and research as with insufficent work I will find the final video will suffer due to lack of preperations. I will also check to ensure each post is easy to navigate and clear to understand when I come back to it as the majority of this content was lacking in clarity.
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