Monday, 11 September 2017

Mock up - Digipak

Chloe and I began to discuss and plan our digital and magazine advert which we will be creating alongside our music video as features in our marketing package. We firstly decided on a fake album name and which elements of our narrative we want to incorporate from our music video into our marketing package. 

We decided to produce mock ups which give a simple indication to our designs and annotations to illustrate our ideas further. We came up with an idea each and drafted these out together before incorporating the elements that worked best into our final mock ups. 

Here are our drafts for our digipak with annotations, we decided utilise an aesthetic we know is successful within our target audience whilst featuring props which are relevant to our narrative. An example is the use of flowers and photographs which are items we wish to utilise in our music video to reinforce the romantic and nostalgic theme. 

We both believed colour and images to be the best way to incorporate the band's style and include conventional use of still life images that relate to our narrative, the band's star image and audience appeal. Like the digipaks created for The 1975 both of our drafts do not feature images of the band which we believe attracts the audience and will work well in our product. We knew we would design our back cover and spine once our final piece was completed.

This is our final design for our digipak, we decided to utilise contemporary colours and boarders in the design as it reflects the style of The 1975 our music video. As for colours we have labelled pink and blue as our chosen theme as we believe these colours will compliment the style of the band and our marketing package. The use of an open book with flowers laying on top is an effective use on conventional still life images whilst remaining unique and in keeping with the star image of absence. 

The spine and back cover for the digipak are also minimal as the focal point of the back cover is the song title list and the minimal petal design which creates continuity in the design.
Colours will also create continuity in the design and the conventional use of numbers, legal ownership information and barcodes etc have been featured to indicate the overall layout. 

Feedback :
To be collected in focus group

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Dear Examiner,  I hope you enjoy delving into my blog to witness the development of my project and the progression of my skills throughou...